A podcast at the intersection of burner culture and its ASIA-PACIFIC regional communities.
Who we are…
BoNZAAR is an acronym for "Burners of New Zealand, Australia & Asia Regionals". We are an eclectic bunch of misfits, oddballs, and passionate burners who have gathered collaboratively to provide listeners with an episodic open-source communications newscast and conversation show that examines and promotes burner culture, its evolving communities, and the people that makes the experience and events magical.
We offer the latest developing community news and events; interviews with local burners and community members; exchange history lessons and burner stories; and share our banter and thoughts on various topics, issues, and related subjects of interests.
We go behind-the-scenes and into the ground levels to present the community voices that make the burner experience and burner culture in New Zealand, Australia, Asia and surrounds amazingly unique and remarkable. We recognise podcasting as a communication for future generations to understand about the world and times we are experiencing. This is why we podcast. Welcome to the bonzaar podcast show and thanks for tuning in!
Meet the Team
Stevan Lay
Leanna Pugliese
Justin McGhee
PY Wong
Be part of the civic engagement, immerse in communal effort and practice your radical “audio” self-expression!